Disasterously natured
Growing up in California I was always scared of the thought of surviving earthquakes, and then when It finally happened in [the big one] in the 80´s, I remember my mother picking me up from my bed in my sleep-carrying me to the doorway while I woke up asking my self -what was going on? and then realizing the rest of my family members were all bugeyed in fear not knowing what to do as the house slowly stopped moving. Since then, I moved to Cabo for 2 years and survived a Hurricane called -Henriette- Category 1. Back in my apt. with my black cat Goa. And I clearly remember having tuna and cans of food with gallons of water to survive. I had never seen the fury of a natural phenomena in the process, I remember the rain come from one side and then It stopped because the eye of the hurricane was above us. Outside: authorities with a Megaphone telling people to not come out of their houses to remind them not to be stupid and get caught up when the wind and rain would come back the other way and hit them like a ton of bricks; just recently the thought of survival came back to me with a potential threat over Hurricane -Ida- hitting the coast of Cancun where I currently live now. Thank God nothing happened. But, My bathroom has a big open rectangule on the wall that I cover with a sarong and it´s really cool looking in the summer but I ´m sure that Miss Ida would disagree with winds over 75 mph. So, I made it through, and cant wait for Spring & Summer to come to rock it out on the beach again. Hare Krishna.