Sunday, April 02, 2006

Tijuana Donkey Show

Last night I went to a party where there were nothing but foreigners, people from all over the world drinking and having a good time, around midnight, someone asked me where i was from, so, i answered: Tijuana. Somehow the conversation turned into the famous: "Tijuana Donkey Show" everyone started talking about it, they all knew or heard something about it, and i felt left out because its my home town and knew nothing about it, apparently its this video of a girl having sex with a donkey, I was dumbfounded. I had no clue. They told me to look it up on the internet, i don´t think I will but at least now i know that it exists.

Anoche fui a una fiesta donde habia solo extranjeros de todas partes del mundo, cheleando y pasandola bien, alguien me pregunto mi origen y les conteste sin repujo: Tijuana. Despues la conversación tomo un giro bizarro, cuando todos comenzaron a hablar del famoso: -Tijuana donkey Show- , todos sabian que era, o habian escuchado de el alguna vez, me senti como idiota porque yo no sabia que era o de que se trataba, aparentemente es un video donde una chava tiene sexo con un burro. y es muy famoso. Yo no tenia idea, yo soy de Tijuana y nunca tuve conocimeinto de esto. Me dijeron que lo buscara en google, la neta no creo que lo busque, pero por lo menos ahora se que existe.


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