Monday, August 30, 2004


bra-va-do. n. a pretending to be brave or bold when one is really afraid.

broth. n. water in which meat or a vegetable has been broiled; a thin, clear soup.

am-big-u-ous. adj. having two or more possible meanings [Dont be so ambiguous in your answers].

in-e-bri-ate. v. to make drunk.

Min-o-taur. n. a monster in a Greek myth, with the head of a bull and the body of a man. It was kept in a labyrinth in Crete, where it was killed by the Seus.

glum. adj. silent in a gloomy or sullen way.

through-out. prep. all the way through; in every part of [It rained throughout the day].

poign-ant. adj. having a sharp and deep effect on the feelings; moving [a poignant memory]. Keen; sharp; piercing.

i.e., an bbreviation for the latin phrase id est, meaning "that is" or "namely".

scab. (skab), n. a crust that forms over a sore as it is healing.

schism. n. a split or division between members of a church or other group, when they no longer agree on what they believe.

thor-ough. adj. complete in every way; with nothing left out, undone, etc. [ a thorough knowledge of the subject].

un-quote. interj. that is the end of the quotation.

e-on. n. a very long period of time, thousands and thousands of years [the first men lived eons ago] also spelled aeon.

though. conj. In spite of the fact that; although [though he wasn't very tired, he fell asleep].

o-pi-ate. n. any medicine containing opium or a drug made from opium, used to cause sleepiness or to lessen pain. Anything that quiets or soothes.

R.S.V.P. or r.s.v.p., abbreviation for French words meaning "please reply".

zig-zag. n. a series of short slanting lines, connected by sharp turnes or angles. -zig'zagged, p.t. & p.p.; zig'zag-ging, pr.p.


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