Born in Tijuana Mexico, raised in Los Angeles and San Diego throughout my childhood,[still live here in Tijuana] with the upbringing of a "bilingual cripple".
Según Castillo el protagonista vive entre dos culturas y dos idiomas, lo cual automáticamente desestabiliza su identidad y se convierte en "distinguishing sign of his tortured border-psyche". La autora define al protagonista de "Todo sobre las focas" como un "bilingual cripple", una aseveración completamente equivocada que revela el hecho de que Castillo confunde el predicamento de algunos chicanos y muchos inmigrantes mexicanos en Estados Unidos, que tienen una educación insuficiente tanto en español como en inglés, con la del mexicano, blanco o mestizo, que vive en su lado de la frontera y que no tiene ningun problema con el manejo de su lengua materna. ( *)pp. 22.
As a teenager I began writting even though never in a formal format. It was in my last year of college when i realized that i liked doing it a lot, and was more into literature than i thought.
After graduating last year, i was really fed up with my professors bitching over following rules on formal writting with my thesis; so i began to write a fictional urban novel about the complexity of this border, and finally finished it this year, it took me around six months from begining to end. Now i guess i'm a -struggling writer- trying to put myself out there. Already mailed my work to seven different publishers all over America (independent and Big house) I just have to sit and wait for revision after being submitted, hoping someone likes it.
I got invited to join this blog a couple of months ago, but i hesitated because i thought my work could not be good enough to put my self on display, but that's just part of my insecurities as a writter that i eventually overcame thinking i could never know what kind of feedback i could get from readers unless i let people actually get their hands on my work.
So here i am. This is me: being me. I hope you enjoy this blog, as much as i do posting on it.
(*)Diana Palaversich. La vuelta a Tijuana en seis escritores. Primera parte. Yubai. Revista del area de Humanidades. Año 10, num 39, Julio-septiembre de 2002.
the ink blot: very ambiguos
- what kind? no ... there.
happy B-day TITA
Según Castillo el protagonista vive entre dos culturas y dos idiomas, lo cual automáticamente desestabiliza su identidad y se convierte en "distinguishing sign of his tortured border-psyche". La autora define al protagonista de "Todo sobre las focas" como un "bilingual cripple", una aseveración completamente equivocada que revela el hecho de que Castillo confunde el predicamento de algunos chicanos y muchos inmigrantes mexicanos en Estados Unidos, que tienen una educación insuficiente tanto en español como en inglés, con la del mexicano, blanco o mestizo, que vive en su lado de la frontera y que no tiene ningun problema con el manejo de su lengua materna. ( *)pp. 22.
As a teenager I began writting even though never in a formal format. It was in my last year of college when i realized that i liked doing it a lot, and was more into literature than i thought.
After graduating last year, i was really fed up with my professors bitching over following rules on formal writting with my thesis; so i began to write a fictional urban novel about the complexity of this border, and finally finished it this year, it took me around six months from begining to end. Now i guess i'm a -struggling writer- trying to put myself out there. Already mailed my work to seven different publishers all over America (independent and Big house) I just have to sit and wait for revision after being submitted, hoping someone likes it.
I got invited to join this blog a couple of months ago, but i hesitated because i thought my work could not be good enough to put my self on display, but that's just part of my insecurities as a writter that i eventually overcame thinking i could never know what kind of feedback i could get from readers unless i let people actually get their hands on my work.
So here i am. This is me: being me. I hope you enjoy this blog, as much as i do posting on it.
(*)Diana Palaversich. La vuelta a Tijuana en seis escritores. Primera parte. Yubai. Revista del area de Humanidades. Año 10, num 39, Julio-septiembre de 2002.
the ink blot: very ambiguos
- what kind? no ... there.
happy B-day TITA
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